Aquaculture Canada and WAS North America 2022

August 15 - 18, 2022

St Johns, Newfoundland, Canada

The Art and Science of Aquaculture Politics

Tuesday, August 16, 2022 11:00 - 13:00 Bannerman 3
Chair: Tim Kennedy

As aquaculture expands around the world as a major force in the secure supply of seafood, so too does public, and correspondingly, political interest grow. In some geographic areas, the public is generally supportive as they see economic and sustainable food benefits. But in other locations, especially related to Atlantic salmon, public concern exists. This concern is exacerbated by increasing polarization and the inability to develop constructive and reasonable pathways of collaboration. How can politicians successfully navigate the challenges to facilitate a constructive path forward that achieves positive social, health and environmental outcomes?


Host: Tim Kennedy, President & CEO, CAIA

  • Derek Bragg, Minister of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture (NL) (General Subject: Provincial approach to aquaculture and dealing with challenges)
  • Wayne Long, Member of Parliament, Saint John, NB (TBC) (General Subject: Canadian politics and resource development)
  • Tavish Scott, CEO Salmon Scotland, former MSP (Shetland) and leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats (General Subject: The Scottish experience)
  • Mayor Steve Crewe (Hermitage-Sandyville, NL) (General Subject: the local experience)



11:00     Welcome, Overview and Introduction of Minister – Kennedy

11:05     Opening Address (Provincial Minister)

11:20     3 other speakers

11:50     Questions from the moderator

12:10     Questions from the floor

12:30     Closing Comments – Mark Lane, former ED, NAIA