AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Wednesday, August 28, 2024 11:15 - 12:30 MR 19
Chair: Bogi Nielsen

"Optimizing Fish Health: Yeast Beta-Glucans for Immunity, Wound Healing and Vaccination"

  1. Welcome and Objectives - Bogi Nielsen, Global KA Manager Aqua

- Brief introduction of the speaker(s)

- Overview of workshop goals and agenda

  1. Yeast Beta-Glucans

- Importance of yeast beta-glucans in aquaculture – Eduardo Yamashita, Global Product Manager - Biorigin

- Definition and sources of beta-glucans – Robson Barducci, Feed Specialist – R&D (Biorigin)

- Overview of their biological functions and benefits – Robson Barducci, Feed Specialist – R&D (Biorigin)

  1. Mechanisms of Immune Modulation - Prof. Aires Oliva-Teles, PhD (Universidade do Porto, Portugal)

- How beta-glucans enhance the immune response in fish

  1. Practical Applications - João Koch, Biorigin Global Technical Manager
  • Beta-Glucans as a barrier against pathogens
  • Beta-Glucans in Wound Healing
  • Beta-Glucans and Vaccine Efficacy
  • Q&A Session
  1. Closing Remarks - Bogi Nielsen, Global KA Manager Aqua

- Thank the participants for their engagement

- Further questions and follow-up discussions.