AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark

Workshop: IMTA & Low Trophic Aquaculture (NORCE)

Thursday, August 29, 2024 14:00 - 17:30 MR 173
Chair: Elisa Ravagnan

In an era where global collaboration is indispensable, the significance of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) and Low-Trophic Aquaculture (LTA) transcends national boundaries. Having the AQUA 2024 event as a platform, the workshop will promote an active dialogue to fostering cross-cultural exchange and knowledge sharing.

The event will consist in two parts:

  1. By invitation only: groups discussion about points highlighted below. It will be ensured that every group have the right mixture of scientific background and/or represent several stakeholders (industry, NGOs, Policy-makers/regulators, clusters)
  2. Open discussion with large audience: a summary of the points discussed in the first part will be presented to the audience (anyone willing to participate to the workshop) by the chairs of the event with the contribution of selected people in panels. The exchange of ideas with the audience will be highly encouraged.

With the aim of facilitating a global exchange of ideas on the sustainable development potential of LTA and IMTA, this collaborative session will convene representatives from diverse region, as well as scientific and socioeconomic backgrounds. The discussion will be focused on successful stories, potential solutions and global barriers to the development. Central themes will be:

  1. Creating Inclusive Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks
  • The complexities of governance within the sector will be addressed, emphasizing the imperative of inclusive legislative frameworks. Discussions will focus on stakeholder engagement, regulatory adaptability, and harmonization of practices.
  1. Building a Profitable and Resilient IMTA/LTA Sector
  • Distinguished experts will offer insights into innovative strategies for market development and sustainable business models within the IMTA and LTA sector. Discussions will encompass Social License to Operate, value chain integration, access to financial resources and consumer acceptability of IMTA/LTA products.
  1. Developing a Sustainable Aquaculture Sector
  • Emphasis will be placed on identifying best practices to minimize environmental impact, enhance ecosystem resilience, and align aquaculture practices with conservation/restauration objectives.

Event Organisers:

Elisa Ravagnan, Chief Scientist, NORCE – Norwegian Research Centre AS

Yas Farjad, Directorate of Maritime Affairs, Fisheries and Aquaculture (DGAMPA) - The Secretary of State responsible for the Sea and Biodiversity

Housam Hamza, Aquaculture Officer: General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean