AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark

AQUA 2024 Innovation Forum

Wednesday, August 28, 2024 09:00 - 17:00 Hall F5
Chair: Alistair Lane, David Basset

09:00 Introductions

Moderators: David Bassett (EATiP); Alistair Lane (EAS)

09:15 Session 1: Fostering regional synergies in Europe for innovation in aquaculture

Session chair: David Bassett (EATiP)

To address: Developing a Sustainable European Aquaculture to 2030.

Blue Economy Strategy and Innovation transfer Strategy, covering the themes of the Strategic Guidelines for a Sustainable European Aquaculture Sector (including the Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism), the EU4Algae Strategy, EU MSP Platform, Mission Ocean and Smart Specialisation Blue Economy Thematic Area (including Cohesion Policy).

09:20 Lorella de la Cruz Iglesias (DG MARE, Unit A2)

09:40 Nikos Zampoukas (DG RTD, Unit Healthy Seas and Oceans)

10:00 Els Van de Velde (DG REGIO / S3 Community of Practice, IDEA Consult)

10:15 Plenary Discusson

Having heard of European policy aspirations for innovation transfer, what blocks and barriers are there to inter-regional innovation transfer in aquaculture?

10:45 BREAK

11:15 Session 2: Inter-Regional Innovation Landscape in Practice: case studies on how innovation transfer vehicles promote advances in aquaculture

Chair: Mieke Eggermont (EATiP Mirror Platform Working Group chair)

To address: Session 1 considered policy intentions and aspirations. But how is this actually being delivered on the ground and in reality? Five different examples will be presented.

11:20 Example 1: InterReg – Adriatic Interregional Collaboration - Francesca Perretta (IPA ADRION National Contact Point Marche Region)

11:30 Example 2: TSSP for Smart and Circular Aquaculture - David Bassett (EATiP)

11:40 Example 3: Innovation Transfer with Mission Ocean / Blue Mission Banos - Efthalia Arvaniti (Submariner Network)

11:50 Example 4: EATiP Mirror Platform Working Group on Sludge - Ann Cecilie Hilling (NCE Aquaculture)

12:00 Example 5: The Nordic Research and Innovation Initiative for Sustainable Aquaculture - Kjell Maroni (Fishieries and Aquaculture Industry Research Fund / Nordforsk)

12:15 Panel discussion among speakers

How do we overcome the micro / SME APBs innovation transfer challenge?

12:30 LUNCH

14:00 Session 3: Innovation transfer within the aquaculture research community

To address: Academic and research networks lend themselves intrinsically to international innovation transfer, with existing well networked stakeholders and organisations operating at the European and international level.

Session chair: Ana Hererro (Patogen / AQUAEXCEL3.0 IRAP)

14:00 Example 1a: High impact AQUAEXCEL3.0 Knowledge Outputs

14:05 Introduction: Open experiment facilities as tools for knowledge exchange – Karla Corrales (ERINN Innovation)

14:15 CryoPlankton benefits in seabass aquaculture - Konstantinos Tzakris (Planktonic)

14:25 Transforming food industry and agriculture waste into nutrient-rich alternative feed for fish: A Case Study with Black Soldier Fly Larvae - Martin Kulma (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague)

14:35 Application of innovative and easy sustainable environmental enrichment on the behaviour and welfare of farmed trout - Georgina Lea Fazekas (MATE)

14:45 Mentimeter

14:55 Example 1b: European Marine Biological Resource Centre – Mery Pina (EMBRC)

15:05 Panel discussion

15:20 Example 2: EU-Asian international capacity building as a vehicle for future innovation transfer – Patrick Sorgeloos (EATiP International Cooperation Working Group)

15:30 Example 3: FAO Aquaculture Unit – case study of the Shanghai Ocean University. TBC

15:45 Session 4 – Facilitation, funding models and future calls for inter-regional innovation transfer.

To address: Innovation transfer works well as a concept, but how do we actually fund and facilitate this work. Budgets are tight and resourcing is becoming increasingly challenging. However, funding options do exist. In addition, examples such as the Mentoring and Accelerator Programme for Blue Grown, along with initiatives supported by the ECBF and BlueBio Alliance, demonstrate the innovation transfer infrastructures supporting the sector.

Session chair: Damien Toner (BIM)

15:50 BlueInvest: Funding as international support tool – Catherine Frideres (BlueInvest)

16:00 ECBF – European Circular Bioeconomy Fund – Mathias Brink Lorenz (European Circular Bioeconomy Fund)

16:10 EMFAF funds for the Flemish Aquaculture Cluster VAP – Stefan Teerlinck (Inagro)

16:20 Mentoring and Accelerator Programme for Blue Growth - NNTBC

16:30 Innovation and knowledge transfer support by Blue Bioeconomy CoLAB, a Portuguese case study - Taynara Franco (B2E)

16:40 International Innovation Transfer as development support – Paw Petersen (Oxyguard)

16:50 Closing discussions

17:00 Networking Drink