Aquaculture Africa 2023

November 13 - 16, 2023

Lusaka, Zambia

WAS-PALOP Platform - Launch Event

Wednesday, November 15, 2023 15.00 - 16.40 Muchinga

The African Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society (WAS-AC) was established in November 2018 as a platform to address the needs and aspirations of the African aquaculture sector. The annual meetings of WAS are recognized as the “premier” aquaculture conferences and exhibitions - bringing together a wide variety of aquaculturists from the commercial, academics, governmental, development partners and others actors in the field - in line with the WAS's vision and strategic plan.

The WAS-AC is in the process of establishing a PALOP platform (Portuguese Speaking African Countries), also known as Lusophone Africa which consists of six African countries: Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe and, since 2011, the accession of Equatorial Guinea. Almost all of these countries have prioritized the aquaculture development for food and nutrition security, livelihoods and other economic benefits. However, production volumes remains low but nascent for most of these countries. This is due to a number of overarching factors, including lack of adequate skills and education.

It is against this background that WAS, through its level commitment to excellence in science, technology, education and information exchange, will endeavor to contribute to the progressive and sustainable development of aquaculture to the PALOP world. We believe this can be achieved through; strategic connections between PALOP and other Communities of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), which include Brazil, Portugal and East Timor, joint research initiatives, focused training and mentorship programmes; and other intervention-support programmes in line with to WAS mandate.

It has been demonstrated that the collaboration and exchange of experiences between African countries and amongst PALOP, in particular, are crucial for strengthening capacities in aquaculture development.

Join us as we connect with the Portuguese audience at AFRAQ23.


  • Setting the scene: Overview of Aquaculture in the PALOP opportunities and challenges (TBA)
  • Open discussion: What WAS can do to serve aquaculture in PALOP?
  • Way forward actions