Aquaculture Africa 2023

November 13 - 16, 2023

Lusaka, Zambia

Farmers Day - WISHH

Thursday, November 16, 2023 09.40 - 11.40 Room 1
Chair: Chris Schlemp


Evans Danso - CEO Flosell Farms, Sogakope, Ghana

Sejiro Michael Oke-tojinu - CEO Sej Farms, Lagos, Nigeria

Jeff Terhune - WISHH Technical Consultant, Auburn, Alabama, United States

Karen Veverica - WISHH Technical Consultant, Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Owners, operators, and managers of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) will benefit from joining this discussion, which is sponsored by the American Soybean Association’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health program (WISHH). The topics will be most applicable to hatchery and food fish producers, but all are welcome to join. The session will operate in the form of a panel discussion. Topics have been pre-arranged, with additional time allotted for participants to share their experiences and contribute to the discussion. Participants will be required to sign in and complete a short survey at the end of the discussion. Below is a list of the panel discussion topics. 

  1. What can a farmer do about the high price of fish feeds? 

Discussion of options for cage and pond fish farmers 

Discussion of options for tilapia and clarias farmers 

  1. What makes an SME successful in the long term?
  2. Good aquaculture practices are good for business

Multiple water uses (multi-trophic culture systems and water reuse)

Cage placement based on water exchange principles and what can predict a disaster before it happens.

Chronic low oxygen and how it affects fish growth and health

  1. What are some qualities that successful development projects have in common?