Aquaculture America 2023

February 23 - 26, 2023

New Orleans, Louisiana USA

A Tribute to Dr. Addison L. Lawrence: Current and Historical Perspectives on Shellfish Physiology and Aquaculture

Saturday, February 25, 2023 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM Galeries 1
Chair: Mark Lawrence, Lou D'Abramo, Dean Akiyama


1330 Mark Lawrence: Opening remarks, moment of silence

1340 Quenton Dokken: “Study with Addison L. Lawrence, a visionary, scientist, teacher, advocate, and salesman”

1400 Lou D’Abramo: “Future of Aquafeeds”

1420 Craig Browdy: “Historical perspectives and new developments in shrimp larval feeds”

1440 Allen Davis: “Mineral nutrition, cementing in a career!”


1500-1530 Break



1530 Dean M Akiyama: “Practical considerations for formulating shrimp feeds”

1600 Jack Crockett: “Development of shallow water shrimp culture biofloc raceway systems”

1630 Misael Rosales: "The transfer of scientific knowledge into the aquaculture industry: A story of success"