This study examines the specialized photocatalyst-based product, TryMarine, for nutrient remediation and revitalization of aquatic ecosystems, assessing its efficacy in a single aquatic environment – Brickhouse Farm Lake. Monthly measurements of sediment nutrients (TN and TP), texture, aerobic bacterial activity, benthic diversity, and microalgae were conducted across treated (10 acres) and adjacent untreated areas (30 acres). A tenfold increase in aerobic plate counts was observed at the bottom of the treated zone, accompanied by fluffier sediment and increased moisture content in the core sediment sample. Benthic organisms increased thirteenfold, and species diversity rose 160% in the treated area compared to the untreated area. Sediment permeability improved by one foot, allowing deeper water infiltration. Adjacent untreated areas showed gradual improvement, likely due to water turbulence. These findings demonstrate that TryMarine can stimulate healthier sediment and food web reactivation, positioning it as a promising candidate for sustainable aquaculture and ecosystem restoration.