Fish stock assessment is essential for the sustainable exploitation of fish populations. The stock status of Olive grunt (Pomadasys olivaceus) in both coastlines of Pakistan (Balochistan and Sindh) was studied using CMSY, BSM and ASPIC models based on the catch and effort data (2000 to 2022). The findings of B/BMSY in all models of Olive grunt were <1.0 pinpointing the stock is grossly overfished on both coasts. The estimated values of MSY using CMSY and BMS methodologies were 2440mt, 2670mt and 2430mt, 2650mt of Balochistan and Sindh respectively. Also, ASPIC models (Fox and Logistic) showed that the Olive grunt was abundantly over-fished. The Fox and Logistic model estimated the MSY values 1585mt and 1379mt for Olive grunt showing overfished from Balochistan, while 3260mt and 3024mt indicate that the stock is not overfished for Sindh. This study may provide scientific background to the government of Pakistan for establishing management and conservation policies for olive grunt fishery on both coasts of Pakistan, especially focusing on the Balochistan Coast.
[Keywords: Maximum Sustainable Yield, Pomadasys olivaceus, Sindh, Balochistan, CMSY, BSM, ASPIC