Aquaculture 2025

March 6 - 10, 2025

New Orleans, Louisiana USA

Add To Calendar 08/03/2025 10:30:0008/03/2025 10:50:00America/ChicagoAquaculture 2025STATUS OF THE MANGROVE FORESTS OF TUMBES, PERU IN 2024Studio 7The World Aquaculture Societyjohnc@was.orgfalseDD/MM/YYYYanrl65yqlzh3g1q0dme13067


Fiorela Campos*, Jorge Echevarria-Velásquez, Jorge Echevarria-Flores, and Acacia Alcivar-Warren


Universidad Nacional de Tumbes

Ciudad Universitaria, Avenida Universitaria Pampagrande SN, Tumbes, Peru,


The mangrove ecosystem of Peru is located in the coastal marine zone of the department of Tumbes, on the coast, which ranges from 3°23 ì22.94" South Latitude on the border with Ecuador (International Canal - Punta de Capones) to 3°34 ì53.71" South Latitude (Playa Hermosa sector) and between 80°13 ì15.33" (Border with Ecuador) to 80°32 ì02.69" (Playa Hermosa sector) West Longitude. It is constituted as the southern limit of the distribution on the Pacific Coast of South America.

The mangrove ecosystem of Tumbes has an area of 8,274.21 hectares, which includes the total area of the Santuario Nacional Los Manglares de Tumbes (Los Manglares de Tumbes National Sanctuary; 2,972 ha), the total of the Áreas de Conservación Ambiental (ACA) (Environmental Conservation Areas (ACA); Manglares del Estero La Chepa-Corrales, 313.54 ha (Mangroves of the La Chepa-Corrales Estuary, 313.54 ha), Manglares Delta del Río Tumbes-Bahía Puerto Pizarro, 1927.84 ha), (the Mangroves of the Tumbes River-Delta-Puerto Pizarro Bay) and other wild areas without conservation status (3,060.83 ha). Part of this area without conservation status (1416.71 ha) is located in the Zona de Amortiguamiento del Santuario Nacional Los Manglares de Tumbes; SNLMT) (Buffer Zone of the National Sanctuary Los Manglares de Tumbes).

The mangrove ecosystem represents 1.78% of the total surface of the department of Tumbes, which has an area of 4,646.67 km2. The main problem of the mangrove forests of Tumbes was the change of use for aquaculture and agricultural activities, which have had a negative impact on the loss of forested areas and the loss of biological diversity. In the upper basin of the Tumbes River, gold mining activity is carried out and in the lower basin agriculture. Lead (Pb) and arsenic (As) heavy metals are detected in the river water that exceed the limits of national legislation. As and Pb are detected in molluscs at levels that do not yet exceed the limits considered to be at risk. Pesticides have not been not analyzed in mollusks and crustaceans because they are expensive. We suggest that (a) the mining activity of the basin in Ecuador make use of clean technologies, (b) that the agricultural activity of Tumbes carry out biological control in replacement of agrochemicals, (c) the shrimp farming activity uses probiotics replacing the antibiotics oxytetracycline, florfenicol, ciprofloxacin, and (d) continue with rehabilitation activities in degraded areas.