Without a defined path to permitting offshore aquaculture, U.S. industry development has been languishing – essentially not happening at all.
This is the greatest challenge of our lifetime – cultivating proteins to feed our growing world population, without harming our environment or depleting our natural resources. It’s about Balance – Balance with the environment, Balance with the economic markets, and balance with our natural resources.
We the Farmers here at Aquauclutre America know that we must farm seafood to feed the world. Famed ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau knew in 1970 and we are certain now more than ever.
The United Nations knows – and they advise us that we must double aquaculture production by 2030 to meet our global demand for seafood. Seafood currently garners an average of 17% of proteins consumed in the world. Ocean farming can double US wild capture of seafood, utilizing one tenth of 1% of the U.S. EEZ.
The Universities and researchers know – as they have been researching for years and now there is scientific proof that done right, seafood farming is sustainable – finfish, shellfish and seaweeds, on shore, near shore and off shore.
It is about using the tools for proper siting, modeling, farm planning and operations. It is about the integration of robotics, environmental monitoring and AI. We have the necessary tools at our disposal. It is about transparency and collaboration, responsibility and social license.
Industry perspective will be provided, as Manna Fish Farms, Inc. navigates the path to permitting one of the first ocean farms in the United States!