Overall, 2024 was a good year for both tilapia markets and increasing global production. It appears that 2024 saw global production and consumption exceed 7 million metric tons for the first time. Indonesia and Brazil were leaders in the amount of increased production and consumption as both countries have strong domestic markets as well as significant export volumes. While China continues to hold the title for largest producer, consumer and exporter, the production increased slightly, and exports changed little. Domestic sales did increase, especially value-added forms sold into northern and western markets too distant for live fish deliveries.
Egypt increased production and domestic consumption as prices improved for farmers as the economy improved enough for consumers to pay for fresh fish. However, Egypt fell further behind Indonesia as the third biggest producer of tilapia. The Gulf States, continued to be minor producers of tilapia, mostly from brackish water farms, but remain important markets for imported tilapia mostly purchased by employers to feed migrant workforces from Asian and African countries. Saudi Arabia has announced plans to build new tilapia farms, but like last year, these still seem to be in planning stages.
Bangladesh continues to be an important producer with volumes increasing and domestic consumption increasing as well. New farms have been built and existing farms are improving productivity per hectare. Active breeding programs also continue to improve growth and survival rates as well as yield. India is also continuing to increase production from a very low beginning level. Like Bangladesh, India is managing to increase tilapia production without decreasing production of any other aquaculture crop.
Other than Brazil, the rest of the Americas have reported only minimal increases is production and consumption. Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Jamaica all have domestic sales along with exports to the US.