Eastern oyster aquaculture relies heavily on the generation of microalgae, which accounts for 30–40% of total operating expenses. Oysters mainly consume algae, bits of detrital matter, fragments of seagrasses and numerous other non-algae cells including small animals such as copepods and rotifers, as well as eggs and larvae of various species if they are taken in with the algae. This live-food requirement can be a constraint to economic bivalve production due to the cost and production challenges. To overcome this restriction and decrease the use of microalgae in these facilities, several research studies have concentrated on assessing alternate diets and replacing microalgae in bivalve hatcheries. Algal Turf Scrubber (ATS) biofilms represent a promising approach to wastewater treatment, leveraging the natural nutrient uptake capabilities of various algal species. These ATS biofilms are complex matrices that house algae species such as (microalgae, macroalgae, ciliates, and bacteria) capable of utilizing a wide array of mechanisms for macro- and micronutrient uptake and turnover. Previous studies have demonstrated ATS biomass can be produced at a fraction of the cost of microalgae. The primary objective of this research is to reduce the cost of oyster production by integrating ATS biomass as a feed source. Algal turf scrubber biomass was harvested daily and used in feeding trials to replace 0-100% of the standard oyster diet of microalgae. The juvenile oysters were tagged and measured weekly for 6 weeks to determine the growth performance. At the termination of the experiment, protein, energy, ash, aweight, and shell length were determined. Water quality (ammonia-nitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen, and phosphorus were measure weekly. Growth performance data and algal turf scrubber biomass compositional data will be presented.