Aquaculture 2025

March 6 - 10, 2025

New Orleans, Louisiana USA


Branalysa Varela*, Bryn Roma, Sydney Ogbunamiri, Malcolm Bowen, and Hisham Abdelrahman


Undergraduate Student, Department of Biology, Marine Biology, & Environmental Science, Roger Williams University, Bristol, Rhode Island 02809


Bay scallops (Argopecten irradians) are economically and ecologically important in aquaculture. During the early nursery phase, they are vulnerable to environmental stressors and predation. This project evaluates four nursery gear systems—upweller silos, bottom boxed bags, floating plastic baskets, and free-stocked scallops—to determine which optimizes scallop survival and growth in a controlled outdoor flow-through setting.

This study is conducted at Roger Williams University’s outdoor nursery system, where scallops are housed for three months in four fiberglass tanks with water from Mount Hope Bay. Each tank holds 600 scallops, with 150 scallops assigned to each gear type. Growth performance is assessed biweekly by measuring shell height and length, while meat and shell weights are recorded monthly. Weekly monitoring includes survival, mortality rates, and biofouling impact on water flow and scallop health.

Objectives include comparing growth rates, mortality, and biofouling across gear types, as well as evaluating the scallop Condition Index (CI) and Specific Growth Rate (SGR). Statistical analyses, including analysis of variance (ANOVA) and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), will determine significant differences in scallop development across gear types. We hypothesize that scallops in upweller silos and floating plastic baskets will show superior growth and survival due to enhanced water flow and nutrient access, while boxed bags and free-stocked scallops may have lower growth and survival rates. We anticipate biofouling levels will differ among gear types, potentially restricting water flow and impacting scallop growth in floating baskets.

This study aims to inform best practices for scallop nursery management by identifying gear that optimizes growth and reduces labor-intensive maintenance, supporting sustainability. A detailed comparison of scallop growth, survival, and health across different nursery gear systems will help scallop farmers make informed gear selections, enhancing efficiency and sustainability. This study could guide farmers in selecting gear systems that promote healthier, faster-growing scallops, reduce maintenance issues, and support sustainable aquaculture practices. The outcomes may improve both economic viability and environmental sustainability of scallop farming operations, contributing to long-term industry growth.