Aquaculture 2025

March 6 - 10, 2025

New Orleans, Louisiana USA

Add To Calendar 09/03/2025 13:30:0009/03/2025 13:50:00America/ChicagoAquaculture 2025PREPARING LIMITED-RESOURCE KENTUCKY AQUAFARMERS FOR SUCCESS THROUGH COMPREHENSIVE AQUACULTURE BOOTCAMP TRAININGBalcony LThe World Aquaculture Societyjohnc@was.orgfalseDD/MM/YYYYanrl65yqlzh3g1q0dme13067


Chelsea T. Walling*, Janelle V. Hager

Kentucky State University

Aquaculture Research Center

103 Athletic Drive

Frankfort, KY 40601


The learning curve to enter aquaponics as a business enterprise is steep. Knowledge is a common barrier to successful aquaponic adoption, which is challenging given the timeframe for obtaining the skills needed to succeed, is relatively short. According to the 2018 USDA Census of Aquaculture, Kentucky had only two aquaponics farms; this slow growth can be attributed to limited education and funding resources. High quality, intensive training opportunities can provide beginning aquaponic farmers with the tools necessary for successful business ventures. Hands-on training paired with virtual curricula has potential to enhance the success of new aquaponic operations through practical, application-focused workshops.

Kentucky State University (KSU) Aquaculture extension staff will be conducting an Aquaponic Boot Camp program that will provide immersive training that promotes beginning farmer success and confidence in underserved Appalachian regions. This Aquaponics Boot Camp-3 is a collaboration effort with Ohio State University’s Piketon Research and Extension Center, Blue Acre Appalachian Aquaponics in West Virginia and Kentucky State University. Participants will receive science-based information from aquaculture/aquaponics researchers, extension specialists, and industry professionals. Participants will tour established aquaculture/aquaponics farms, network with industry experts, and learn from fellow producers. The training will be offered at three different levels, the “3-I levels”: Intensive, Intermediate and Introductory. Intensive training is an in-depth approach that will involve twelve modules, one per month, for a year-long immersive program and will include on-farm practice and classroom courses. Intermediate training will allow participants to choose which modules apply to their unique needs and engage in various educational activities and workshops. Introductory training is focused on entry level participation and will include general information sharing and online material engagement. There will be three focus areas for the training; aquaculture, aquaponics, and business management and marketing.

Intensive training participants will design and conduct pilot-scale aquaponics projects in the production systems at the KSU Aquaculture Research Center where they will utilize the knowledge gained to determine optimal system design, profitable product selection and innovative marketing strategies. At the end of the year, program participants will present their aquaponics production business plan and offer feedback through module/program evaluations. Information will be presented on the program, including recruitment pathways, training topics, previous success with intensive aquaculture training, and information on how to track the Aquaponic Bootcamp Program.