The “Social Dimensions” of aquaculture are a regular part of discussions surrounding industry development, specifically related to challenges, opportunities, and accessibility. Additionally, presentations centered on the social dimensions are not uncommon at meetings like Aquaculture 2025, but typically are represented by a single “socially leaning” talk in a broader session or through sessions focused on specific topics within the social dimensions (e.g., perceptions of aquaculture, diversity and inclusion, women in aquaculture). Through a special session at Aquaculture America 2024, we sought to bring together individuals and organizations conducting work in the social dimensions of aquaculture to 1) build awareness of the range of different efforts occurring in this space (e.g., research, extension, communication, policy, and others), 2) provide a setting for communication and collaboration amongst social dimensions practitioners, and 3) discuss the formation of a related community of practice. Last year’s session represents the first of what will hopefully continue to be a regular session at Aquaculture America, the National Shellfisheries Association annual meeting, and likewise the triennial Aquaculture meetings in addition to providing an at least annual in-person meeting opportunity for the community of practice. This presentation will give an overview of the Social Dimensions of Aquaculture Community of Practice, including its goals and activities thus far.