This study will present the current efforts being made in ornamental aquaculture by the Aquatic Sustainability Team at the Georgia Aquarium. It will explore the growing importance of culturing fish in the public aquarium space and the roles that public aquariums and their collaborations with academic institutions play within both the aquarium and aquaculture industries. We examine the role of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) and the goals established by their Aquatic Collection Sustainability Committee (ACSC) for the present and future of aquaculture in accredited facilities. The presentation also highlights current aquaculture practices in public aquariums, specifically at the Georgia Aquarium, including live food cultures, broodstock management, larval rearing techniques and juvenile grow out. Current efforts being done by participating facilities will be highlighted such as the Aquarium Larval Production, Larval Culture Project and the Egg Catalog to name a few. Lastly the study concludes with proposing future directions for the industry and the role the aquariums will continue to play. This research aims to contribute to the advancement of sustainable aquaculture practices, specifically in public aquariums, to support conservation efforts and to serve as a place of continuing education for both aquarists and guests interacting with these species once they are on exhibit.