Prioritizing diversity, equity and inclusion is essential for continued growth and sustainability of the aquaculture industry. In Maine, many efforts are underway that have pushed this priority forward, including the 2024 Women in Aquaculture Series, ongoing “Exploring Careers in Aquaculture” courses that are tailored to the interests of students from targeted underrepresented communities, and most recently, a collaborative project with farmers and industry organizations to develop a Women and Non-binary in Aquaculture Network.
These initiatives are the result of an enthusiastic group of individuals and organizations that see the value in a diverse, equitable, and inclusive sector, and who frequently work together to push these initiatives forward. As a result, we have established a DEI&A Working Group in Maine to better coordinate efforts, share challenges and successes, and establish future priorities. The working group meets monthly, sharing updates and reserving time to “deep dive” into topics built into the agenda. Operating under a co-developed working agreement, the meetings have become a valuable space for members. This presentation will provide an overview of the DEI Working Group, and will show how communities of practice can be an important resource for people working in the DEI space.