A novel technology for treating wastewater contaminated with organic matter was developed. The treatment process is mainly based on biological microorganisms distributed in aerobic and anaerobic chambers.
Pilot experimental reactor
A pilot experiment was conducted to evaluate a 5 m3 plug flow reactor to treat a fraction of the rotofilters backwash. Two flow regimes were evaluated with hydraulic residence times (HRTs) of 24 and 12 hours.
The experimental pilot system PFR had 20 meters length. Water samples were collected at 0 m (affluent), 5 m, 10 m, 15 m, and 20 m (effluent), along the axial water flow direction.
Operation results of the reactor
Regarding to BOD and TSS, around 91% depletion was observed for all treated water samples. The parameters related to phosphorous showed a depletion between 54.0% and 99.8%.
No sludge was generated throughout the entire evaluation. Hence, there was no need to recirculate or to dispose any sludge. Effluent water from the process was recirculated back to the production system.
Project grant FONDEF IT20i0095, Project grant SDG ANID GRC22003, and Project grant CYTED P422RT0090