This study investigated the impact of process energy inputs (high, medium, low) on the physical qualities of extruded feeds and animal performance when fed wheat and sorghum-based diets. Specific thermal energy (STE) and mechanical energy (SME) were calculated to assess their effects on starch gelatinization, bulk density and water stability. Six experimental diets, sorghum and wheat-based with three different levels of energy inputs each, were extruded using a Wenger X-20 single screw extruder and fed to shrimp (mean initial weight ± SD, 0.82 ± 0.05 g) over a 42-day growth trial in a semi-closed recirculating system with 36 tanks. STE was manipulated by varying the amount of water and steam addition during preconditioning. For both wheat and sorghum-based diets, reduced PC steam input led to reduced STE (236.8 to 113.4 kJ/kg for wheat; 279.8 to 120.4 kJ/kg for sorghum) which increased SME (228 to 260; 237 to 288 kJ/kg respectively) and lower overall energy inputs in both diets; as energy inputs decreased, sorghum-based feeds exhibited decreased starch gelatinization (89.55 to 82.97%) and water stability (77 to 59%), whereas those values were similar for all wheat-based diets (98-94% gelatinized; 80-77% water stable). Wheat-based pellets had the highest sectional expansion index (1.58 to 1.43), while sorghum-based pellets ranged from 1.32 to 1.26. Bulk density, sinking percentage, and pellet durability was similar across all treatments. Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) for protein and energy were higher in wheat-based diets; however, there were no significant differences in shrimp performance or feed conversion ratios. These insights highlight the critical role of energy management in extrusion processing, especially for sorghum, where increased thermal energy is required to maintain feed quality. This research demonstrates the viability of sorghum as an alternative carbohydrate source in shrimp feeds.