A research farm network (RFN) was established in 2005 with funding help from the Southeastern Massachusetts Aquaculture Center (SEMAC). The RFN program continues to generate valuable data regarding shellfish culture methodology and provides germane aquaculture research to growers. Working with shellfish growers throughout the state, the program explores challenges and opportunities through research with the farmers themselves but with scientific structure assistance provided by extension staff.
Research topics have varied but are generated from industry, often through an advisory group. Past projects have included research and culture of alternative species for shellfish aquaculture including surf clams, razor clams, and blood arks. Investigations of triploid oysters versus diploid counterparts, as well as biofouling organism settlement patterns and control methods. Growers involved rotate based on geographical area and interest. Challenges have included availability of funds but also the physical capacity to visit farm sites on a regular basis, especially if tide dependent.