Artificial coral reefs have become an integral practice in conservation, tourism, and research of coral reefs, being used by a range of agencies worldwide. Originally relying on sunken ships and on secondary use of different objects, the trend is shifting towards purpose-designed structures, including statues and art. However, it is often difficult to identify, evaluate, and replicate the principles used in these designs, as they are not mathematically defined. Further, it is rare that designs are focused towards coral or fish, and hence it is hard to apply them in the aquaculture trade.
In our study, we sought to address these challenges by employing spatial and geometric principles in the design of 3D objects in artificial coral reefs, specially tailored towards fish recruitment and coral growth. Using a small number of well-defined parameters, we were able to control shelters for fish, spaces for invertebrates, connectivity between shelters and more. The designed structures were then 3D printed and subjected to comprehensive testing, including assessments of hydrodynamic flow and evaluation of their acceptance by fish. The results demonstrated the efficacy of our approach in creating artificial reef structures that were accepted as shelters to a diverse reef community.
By applying spatial and geometric principles, our method allows for the development of intricate and tailored structures capable of providing optimal conditions for various marine species. This advancement holds promise for the future of in-situ and ex-situ artificial coral reef design. It offers a systematic and replicable approach to examine, test and produce structures that are needed to enhance ecological functionality along with visual appeal, and to contribute to the sustainability of marine ecosystems.