Mariculture is a growing industry in Alaska with an expanding workforce need. Prince William Sound College (PWSC) is located in Valdez, AK, close to budding mariculture efforts. At PWSC I have developed classes and academic programs with a goal of providing field-based, hands-on training of marine scientists and mariculture professionals. Being a community campus allows us to develop unique programming to respond to community needs, while being part of the University of Alaska system connects us to more course offerings and broader educational opportunities for our students.
We approach mariculture workforce development from many angles in an effort to reach as many students as we can and meet them where they are in their education and experience. Our primary mariculture program is a 16 credit occupational endorsement certificate that can be completed in one semester. This includes four core courses, two of which fulfill a UAA general education requirement, and three credits of approved electives. The program focuses on hands-on training and connecting students with industry professionals. We also have community courses in which our maritime tech instructor travels to different communities to teach skills needed in the industry, such as safe boat handling and small engine repair. Students interested in gaining deeper experience with the industry can participate in internships in mariculture as well, with industry professionals, tribal entities carrying out mariculture work, and research institutes participating in mariculture research. In order to reach younger students, we have a field-based mariculture-focused professional development course for K-12 teachers modeling place-based education. The final piece of this education puzzle is a robust student research program, unique for two-year, introductory level campuses, including lab and field projects at our mariculture research and education farm site.
Prince William Sound College focuses on experiential, place-based education to fit local and industry needs. All of these programs have been developed and continue to be improved with industry input. We strive to create accessible, affordable programs that fit industry needs and align with student educational and career goals.