Aquaculture 2025

March 6 - 10, 2025

New Orleans, Louisiana USA


Anthony A. Nlewadim*, Peter S. Asangusung and Anyaele Uka

Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management

College of Natural Resources and Environmental Management

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike



The study examined four hormonal preparations from Heterotis niloticus pituitary extract, ovaprim, Clarias gariepinus pituitary extract and carp pituitary extract, under three different light conditions in the hatchery propagation of Heterotis niloticus. The study was carried out at Abak, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. One thousand Heterotis niloticus juveniles with the size range of 8-10cm and weight, 5-10grams each, were collected from Omambala River in Otuocha, Anambra State and stocked in an earthen pond. After being raised to brood stage for two years, thirty-six males and females were selected and used for the study and divided into four groups of nine fishes each and exposed to three light conditions.  The females in each group were induced to spawn with same hormone under each light condition and replicated thrice within groups. Sperm from one male was used to fertilize eggs stripped from a particular female. The effect of the hormones on latency period, fecundity, fertilization, hatchability and larval rearing was investigated. Latency period was significant (p<0.05) among the treatments.  The period lasted for 10hours, 9hours, 12hours, and11hours for Heterotis niloticus pituitary extract, ovaprim, Clarias gariepinus pituitary extract and CPE, respectively at 28oC.  Percentage egg fertilization among the treatments under different light conditions was significant (p<0.05).  Fertilization rates within Heterotis niloticus pituitary extract under no illumination (89.66%) and ovaprim under no illumination (89.33%) were significantly higher than all others with the lowest recorded in Clarias gariepinus pituitary extract under full Illumination (67.33%).  Percentage egg hatchability was significant among treatments under different light conditions (p<0.05).   Eggs produced with ovaprim under no illumination (84.16%) was higher, followed with eggs produced with Heterotis niloticus pituitary extract under no illumination (80.66%); the lowest hatchability rate was recorded with eggs produced with Clarias gariepinus under full illumination (57.33%) and CPE under full illumination (59.50%). Percentage larval survival among treatments under different light conditions was significant (p<0.05), the highest survival was recorded with eggs hatched with ovaprim under no illumination (68.66%) followed with CPE under no illumination (66.66%) and Heterotis niloticus pituitary extract under no illumination (63.16%) with the lowest larval survival in Clarias gariepinus pituitary extract under full illumination (47.33%) and Heterotis niloticus pituitary extract under full illumination (49.50%). At the end of this research, there were disparities in the efficiency of the four hormonal preparations and it was evident that the results of ovaprim were outstandingly impressive, while Heterotis niloticus pituitary extract and CPE subjected under No Light condition gave average performance relative to Clarias gariepinus pituitary extract. Ovaprim hormone gave the highest reproductive indices in fecundity, fertilization, hatchability and larval survival, as it can be easily accessed but expensive.