Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture 2024

September 24 - 27, 2024

Medellín, Colombia



Shrimp farming often has serious environmental consequences, such as depletion of mangrove forests, contamination of water bodies, and disruption of local biodiversity. This is exacerbated by inefficient cultivation practices, such as excessive stocking densities and overfeeding, which impact the farm in the long term. The carbon footprint from this lack of responsible measures endangers the coastal environment and communities.

Given the current issues and the necessity to balance aquaculture and the preservation of the environment, transitioning to sustainable shrimp farming is crucial. Thus, JALA establishes the Climate Smart Shrimp Farming initiative. This is an endeavor to improve shrimp production while restoring surrounding mangrove areas.

In this initiative, JALA leverages the integration of an IoT multiparameter device and a shrimp farm management application for water quality and farm conditions monitoring. Energy-efficient systems are also implemented through the utilization of gravity in terms of water flow for aquaculture, which reduces electricity usage by up to 40%. JALA also utilizes sustainably-sourced feed and dedicates 5 ha of the 10.7 ha land area to mangrove restoration.

This initiative has initially resulted in a $1.5 billion invested fund and involvement of 63 beneficiaries. By thriving side-by-side with mangrove areas, the shrimp farm supports biodiversity and helps restore coastal regions. JALA also helps the local economy by creating jobs, sourcing supplies locally, and guaranteeing ethical treatment for workers. All of these measures reflect JALA’s commitment to comply with five Sustainable Development Goals, namely Life below Water, Responsible Consumption and Production, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Partnerships for the Goals.

Sustainable and responsible shrimp farming are essential to maintaining the environment, restoring biodiversity, and conserving coastal areas. By adopting innovative aquaculture systems, it is possible to harness the potential of shrimp farming as a food source while safeguarding coastal ecosystems.

Keywords: Shrimp farming, environment, sustainable, Climate Smart practices, mangrove restoration