AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Jonna Tomkiewicz*, Sebastian N. Politis, Sune Riis Sørensen, Paraskevas Koumpiadis, Daniela E. Sganga


National Institute of Aquatic Resources,

Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.


Closing the European eel life cycle in captivity for a self-sustained and sustainable eel aquaculture requires efficient hatchery technology and techniques. With this goal in mind, EU-supported research initiatives set out in the beginning of this century to develop procedures for captive reproduction and larval culture aiming at glass eel production. These efforts have led to two decades of successful achievements through dedicated international and national efforts. This targeted research ranges from development of broodstock feeds and assisted reproduction protocols applying hormone therapy, thereby enabling production of high-quality gametes and viable offspring (Tomkiewicz et al., 2019, Jéhannet et al., 2024) to the establishment of culture technology and techniques as well as formulation of feeds for ongrowing larvae sustaining their development into the leptocephalus stage (Politis et al., 2021; Benini et al., 2023; Bandara et al., 2024).

While new knowledge, products and methods have incrementally extended longevity, variable reproduction success, offspring quality and high mortality in the early larval stages challenge upscaling of larval culture and the completion of the larval phase. These challenges have urged researchers to revisit procedures with the aim to enhance quality and survival through different stages. This presentation will overview progress in European eel offspring production and larval culture and discuss bottlenecks and impediments that need attention spanning from reproduction through the larval culture to reach metamorphosis and the glass eel stage in sufficient numbers. Among other, we look at the still limited insights in larval demands to ambient culture conditions and stage specific nutritional requirements and preferences, but also the efficiency required for an efficient hatchery production and commercial closed-cycle production of European eel.

Bandara KA, Politis SN, Sørensen SR, Benini E, Tomkiewicz J, Vadstein O, 2024. Effect of Food Amounts on Larval Performance, Bacteriome and Molecular Immunologic Development during First-Feeding Culture of European Eel. Microorganisms, 12(2), 355.

Benini E, Bandara KA, Politis SN, Engrola S, Nielsen A, Conceiçao LEC, Santos A, Sørensen SR, Tomkiewicz J, 2023. Exploring first-feeding diets for European eel larval culture: insights at morphological, nutritional, and molecular levels. PLoS One 18, e0283680.

Jéhannet P, Heinsbroek LTN, Swinkels W, Palstra AP, 2024 Recent insights into egg quality and larval vitality of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 354, 114531.

Politis SN, Syropoulou E, Benini E, Bertolini F, Sørensen SR, Miest JJ, Butts IAE, Tomkiewicz J, 2021. Performance thresholds of hatchery produced European eel larvae reared at different salinity regimes. Aquaculture 539, 736651.

Tomkiewicz J, Politis S, Sørensen S, Butts I, Kottmann J, 2019. European eel – an integrated approach to establish eel hatchery technology in Denmark. In: Eels Biology, Monitoring, Management, Culture and Exploitation: Proceedings of the First International Eel Science Symposium, 2019. 5m Publishing, Sheffield, UK.