AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Leonard Calderón (*), Susan Montero, Alejandro Campos,

  Pesquera Diamante, Callao, Perú:


The Peruvian ecosystem is characterized by the great productivity of fish. Despite representing only 0.1% of the world’s ocean surface, it produces around 10% of the world’s catches.

Peru has the world’s largest single-species (anchoveta) fishery, supporting the industry in terms of fishmeal and fish oil production. Being the first fishing country in unloading volumes of a single species over 3 decades. The anchovy fishery in the north-central zone has two fishing seasons (April-July and November-January).

Within the fishing industry, we find companies that represent around 60% of the global share. The Diamante fishing company has more than 30 years in the fishing sector. At the beginning of the anchovy quota law (2009), Diamante had around 30 fishing vessels which for various reasons has been reduced to this year 2023 with 22 vessels.

During the anchovy fishing seasons, a large volume of data is generated; from the departure of the boat (crew, fuel stock, hour meters), arrives at the fishing area (Date and time), makes coves (Biometry, number of coves, distribution of fishing in holds), Departure from fishing area (Date estimated arrival), Arrival (Stock of fuel, news upon arrival). Unloading (flat berthing, hopper unloading) and set sail again).

Diamante with support in SAP developed a web application in FIORI to be able to support this volume of data that is not only of interest to the fleet but also to the company. The recorded data is complementary for the management of indicators such as the degree of freshness (volatile nitrogen rate), capture times, % of juveniles, among others. With the calculation of these values we generate statistics for decision-making such as extraction unit cost, performance of fishing captains, fishing purchase behavior. In addition to SAP, we have sources of information such as fleet positioning, which we attach to SAP to determine indicators such as Gallon/mile traveled, theoretical gallon consumption according to speeds and number of stalls.

We not only use SAP for data storage, we use less sophisticated means such as the office suite to quickly communicate the progress of our own fleet and how we are doing with the competition.

In addition, with the pool of information stored in the diamond database, we can use them to manage projections with POWER BI (Moving Average), fleet behavior scenario, thus making decisions based on statistical data.