AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Béla Urbányi* , Rita Fekete, Tibor Mezei, Zoltán Bokor, Ákos Horváth


MATE-Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Gödöllo, Hungary



In the Hungarian aquaculture sector, continuous improvement of mechanisation and technical standards is key to maintaining competitiveness and ensuring sustainable production. However, it is important that these improvements not only increase efficiency, but also consider ecological sustainability and minimise environmental impacts.

The increasing demand for aquaculture products, the deteriorating labour market situation, and the need to maintain the economic viability of fish production and fish farming are driving the aquaculture sector to improve the technologies used and to reduce exposure and risks from external influences by introducing smart solutions.

In recent years, there has been an increasing trend towards the use of automated systems and IT solutions in the aquaculture sector. Such technologies can be used to optimise production processes, monitor water quality, and monitor fish health.

The initial results confirm our hypothesis that the sector is aware of the potential of technical improvements and that, overall, technical improvements in all the areas studied are considered important for the reproduction, breeding, production, and marketing processes.

 Based on the surveys, the intention to strengthen the infrastructure base (buildings, facilities, energy supply) and the determination to upgrade the technologies based on it to the most advanced digital level are perceived as priorities.

The analysis of some 300 sub-questions in the questionnaires, linked to the different areas of expertise, will make it possible to identify the internal links needed to formulate technical development strategies, thus making the survey a complete one.

The work is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture under grant project HAGF/213 /2023; and special thanks to the companies who filled in the questionnaire.