AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Paralichthys olivaceus IN RAS

Sagun Chhetri*, Jill C. Fisk, Andrew J. Ray

Center for Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences , Kentucky State University Land Grant Program, Frankfort, KY 40601 USA

 Olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) sometimes referred to as Japanese flounder is a highly valued fish in East Asia due to its rapid growth, excellent aquaculture performance, and high market value. T his species has been domesticated in Korea starting in the 1980’s and has potential as  a lucrative  aquaculture candidate in other countries as well. Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) reduce the amount of water and space required to intensively produce seafood products . In landlocked states such as Kentucky where shrimp production in RAS systems has been growing, olive flounder can be reared in the same flat-bottom culture tanks used for shrimp. Rearing fingerlings in separate nursery tanks  at high density ensures  better utilization of space and animal inventory.  Stocking density is one of the major factors affecting animal welfare and system productivity . The level of stress resulting from high stocking density may also  affect energy  and metabolism, potentially affecting growth rates and suppressing the immune response. This project focused on assessing the effect of stocking density  in a RAS  on production  dynamics  and  stress response of olive flounder  in nursery-level RAS.

In this study, fingerling (~58 gm ) olive flounder were stocked at three densities : 2.7, 5.8 and 8.1 kg/m2 (low-density: LD, medium- density: MD, and high-density: HD) in 1.2 m2 fiberglass tanks. Each of these three treatments  was replicated in three randomly assigned tanks connected to a common sump and shared filtration system .  To maintain clear water, water from the tanks passed through  a drum filter with 40 µm screen , foam fractionator, and  a moving bed bioreactor (MBBR) aerobic bio filter. Ozone (O3 )  gas was injected into the fractionator reaction chamber and water then passed through a UV radiation lamp  to destroy ozone and further sterilize the water .  In order to prevent  the accumulation of nitrate, an anaerobic MBBR denitrification chamber was also used. To assess the health of olive flounder, stress indicators including blood glucose, cortisol, growth hormone and Insulin like growth factor (IGF-1)  concentrations were  analyzed using a Dynex DS2 System (Chantilly, Virginia, USA), an automated ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ) processor.

 This research is  currently ongoing; however, as of the most recent fish sampling event, fish were largest in the LD tanks followed by MD, and lastly the HD treatment .  According to the assumed survival (very few mortalities have been detected), biomass is highest in the HD treatment, followed by MD, then LD. Upon harvesting fish from the experiment, d ata will be  analyzed  in detail comparing average weight, growth rate, total harvest,  FCR, and condition factor between fish raised  at  the different stocking densities. Similarly, the collected blood samples will also be analyzed to compare stress hormone concentrations between the three treatment levels. Results of this  study will be presented.  At  the end of this  project  we expect to better understand the tradeoffs of various stocking densities in olive flounder RAS. This trial will further develop inland production of marine species and provide growers with an alternative species for  intensive, indoor production.