Planning for the sustainable development of rural aquaculture is a big challenge, considering all factors in teracting in these territories, and external variables from environment, social and even political source. Hence, tools like microsites are very useful for the analysis and geographical representation of results . We present the microsite Tilapia, designed for our p roject and hosted in the Southern Pacific Geoweb Platform, with the idea of creating a site for information dissemination , run and operated by all the project´s technical responsible of the Project, with full a ccess to information and knowledge generated in our project, from a geospatial and territorial perspective (Figure 1) . This microsite also allows integration of diverse information formats and videos, which tell about processes established within each territory (geospatial storytelling).
Analyzing the territories, the adaptation capacity was inserted as a variable with two main objectives: to give a wider vision of vulnerability but also to recognize that factors influencing adaptation are more dynamic and of higher intensity, th an the processes of Climate Change themselves
. A wider vision of vulnerability was adopted, not limited to the Climate Change agenda (mitigation/adaptation), but one that also includes the risks derived from extreme climate events, tensions on natural resources that generate degradation of water in quality and quantity, deforestation that affect microclimate and increases the risk of landslides, as well as soil loss that eventually impacts on the diversification of economic activities, reducing water infiltration and increasing the risks of landslides and floodings.
Financing: Project CONAHCYT PRONACES Soberanía Alimentaria 317100