AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


 Juliana  R. C. Mauad* , Marcelo C. da Silva; João A.  R. Borges, Laiane A. S. Palacio


 Rural Development Center - CDR Project

Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados

 Rodovia Dourados, Itahum, Km 12, Brazil


 The  Itamarati Rural Development Centre  has  introduced  aquaponics systems  in schools  in the  Itamarati settlement,  Central-West of Brazil ,  to  promote social technolog ies to the vulnerable . Th is study was  conducted to understand  issues  that  encourage or discourage  rural youth from practicing aquaponics. A  questionnaire  was  designed  to  rank  constraints and opportunities ,  based on 9 categorical variables, and  36 statements,  equally  divided into 12 themes (V) (Table 1) .  Each V was baptis ed a priori according to the content of statements.  The scale (0=disagree; 1=slightly agree; 2=agree; 3= strongly agree) allow ed  a sum for e ach V (maximum score per V=9). I nterviews  were  carried out  in  2023  with  87  adolescents (ag ed ~15 to 17 ), fairly distributed in 3  public schools.  A  significant part  or most  of their family income (40%; 38%)  came  from  agricultural activities. 53% were enthusiastic about agricultural activities , 37% were unsure. 39% were uncertain  about their  desire to work  with agriculture/livestock  as a profession, 31% did not want to and 30% wanted to.  55%  had a  fair idea about the functioning and usefulness of aquaponics , 41%  had little idea  and 4% were sure. 68% visited the system in their school at least ten times .  89%  did not have  an aquaponics system at home . 62% of  respondents were female. V 1  and V 9  presented  the lowest scores.  V6 was ranked first (the  highest concern), l ikely  due to the small size (500 L), number (~10) of Nile tilapia and vegetables ,  and because  short supply chains are incipient.  V4  ranked second, associated with the male/female categorical variable (P<0.05) , suggesting  that female  youth perceived  a  greater need for technical assistance or aversion to risk.  Overall, M ood´s m edian test and discriminant analyses revealed week associations of  categorical variables  with V, and scores of  V1 and V9  were  highly converge nt among adolescents. S everal findings  were supported by the  literature. Cost , income , advice ,  aspects for acquisition, maintenance, i nfrastructure  and  time  available  deserve attention in educational initiatives aimed at rural youth and aquaponics.