AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Callier Myriam1 *, Ubertini Martin2 , La Piana Théo1, Laugier Thierry3 , Grouazel Mélina1 , Triplet Sébastien1, Falguière Jean-Claude4, Geoffroy Thibault1, Nicolas Desroy5 , Chary Killian6 , Legrand Louis1, Fiandrino Annie7


1MARBEC, Univ Montpellier, IRD, CNRS, Ifremer, Palavas-les-Flots, France

2POS3IDON , 35400 Saint-Malo

3 MARBEC, Univ Montpellier, IRD, CNRS, Ifremer, Sète, France

4Ifremer, Unité BIODIVENV, 97231 Le Robert – Martinique

5Ifremer, ODE/LERBN, Dinard

6Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands

7 Ifremer, La Seyne-sur-Mer, France




 Models are important tools to address sustainability challenges associated with developing aquaculture at farm, regional and global scales1 .  The objective of the MOCAA project (Modeling ecosystem assimilation capacity for a sustainable aquaculture )  is to develop a chain of modeling tools to assess the environmental impact of  land-based and  marine  cage fish farm ing, in metropolitan France and overseas territories.  The  MOCAA decision-support tool considers the production systems  characteristics (species, production, type and farm management , etc.) and the characteristics of the ecosystem (bathymetry, hydrodynamics, sensitivity of benthic ecosystems, etc.) to simulate the emission, the  fate and the impact of aquaculture on the environment. The project involves aquaculture stakeholders to ensure that the tool will meet multi-stakeholder needs.  The project  is divided into  three phases.  For each phase, a review  of existing tools  has been realized, in order to integrate the most accurate existing ones. Workshops are organized in collaboration with fish farmers, public authorities and other stakeholders to present the approach, define needs and to co-construct the tool.

From 2021 to 2023, two modules have been developed and coupled: 1) a farm-scale module ( integrating a dynamic bioenergetics model2 and a farm management model)  that  simulate  fish growth rates and emission of solid and dissolved waste for 7 marine fish species : Seabass (D. labrax), seabream (S. aurata), red drum (S. ocellatus), meagre (A. regius), trout (O. mykiss and S. trutta) and atlantic salmon (S. salar) and 2) a lagrangian dispersion model3  that  simulate  the dispersion a nd dilution of particulat e and dissolved waste  in the water column. The dispersion module uses outputs of hydrodynamic models  or measured  water currents .  In 2024, the validation of the  growth model and farm model are  carried out. Outputs of the growth model for each species have been confronted to published data (xx publications). M ean  relative errors (MRE) depend  on the fish species. The lowest MRE is observed for seabass with 0.14, indica ting good accuracy of the model,  followed by sea bream and salmon species ( MREs of 0.21 and 0.29 respectively). In contrast, the trout species showed the highest MREs (0.44 and 0.39).  Validation at farm scale is  carried out in  fish  farms with in contrasted environment encompassing  temperate  (Brittany)  and  tropical (Martinique) conditions. T he rigor of the approach is ensured by taking into account all stakeholders from construction to transfer of the  modelling tool.

1 Chary Killian, Brigolin Daniele, Callier Myriam (2022) Farm‐scale models in fish aquaculture – An overview of methods and applications. Reviews in Aquaculture 12695, 1-32

2 Kearney, M. R., & Porter, W. P. (2020). NicheMapR – an R package for biophysical modelling: The ectotherm and Dynamic Energy Budget models. Ecography, 43(1), 85–96.

3 Delandmeter, P and E van Sebille (2019), Geoscientific Model Development, 12, 3571–3584

Funding information: French Ministry for Food and Agriculture; French Ministry of the Sea; Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer.