AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Authors : Sonia Heye*, Lauriane Vilmin,  Lisa K. Schneider, Francesca Di Paola ,

Pauline Kamermans ,  Jeroen W. M. Wijsman , Luca A. van Duren


Deltares , Boussinesqweg 1, 2629 HV Delft, The Netherlands

 Over the coming decades, changes in the North Sea are expected due to climate change and  planned  human activities, including  offshore aquaculture , and oyster restoration efforts . One of the goals of the EU-funded FutureMARES research project  was to examine the se effects and  their  impact  on each other .  To achieve this goal, we used  a state-of-the-art North Sea model  to simulate marine conditions under optimistic as well as pessimistic climate change scenarios.  Dynamics of seaweed, mussels and oysters were explicitly computed, as well as  their feedbacks on the environment.  To investigate effects on the environment , we compared simulations without aquaculture/oyster restoration, to simulations with  large-scale seaweed cultivation only, large-scale mussel  cultivation only, co-cultivation of seaweed and mussels, and aquaculture and oyster restoration combined (e.g. Figure 1). In the model, seaweed and mussel farms were located in future Du tch  offshore wind farms suitable for cultivated species. Oyster bed locations were chosen based on areas with a high habitat suitability and where fishing efforts are expected to be excluded.

For all scenarios, t he model results estimate that  seaweed aquaculture will reduce the local  winter  nutrients and thereby also the surface chlorophyll-a concentrations, as seaweed builds up its nutrient reserves before the spring bloom .  This is visible not only in the vicinity of the farms but also far downstream.  Mussel aquaculture will reduce chlorophyll-a concentrations in the vicinity of the farms, since they directly feed on phytoplankton . It will also likely increase local nutrients due to their excretion/increased re-mineralization. When  restored  oyster beds were confined to more offshore locations, where habitat suitability is the highest , they have a small effect on the local nutrients and do not interact much with the aquaculture, which  is likely to occur closer to the coast.  However, when  oyster  beds are also restored in more moderately suitable areas, closer to the coast , they have a larger effect on the  marine environment and  aquaculture in neighbouring farms (especially mussel yields) .

Restoring oysters would be a slow process as the most suitable, offshore areas have limited primary production and therefore food availability for the oysters, as well as heavy stratification, leading to very low growth rates . Model results suggest that the most optimal location to start with the oyster restoration process would be in the Frisian front .