AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Sarah Nahon* ,  Gatien Debailleul , François Allal, Marc Vandeputte,  Christophe Menniti,  Alain Vergnet

MARBEC, Univ Montpellier, CNRS, Ifremer, IRD, INRAE, Palavas-Les-Flots, France


 Improving fish feed efficiency is of major interest to reduce feed use in aquaculture and improve its sustainability through reduced costs and environmental impacts. Fish efficiency is defined as t he ability  of fish to convert feed intake into body weight gain over a given time period. The main challenge  to improve feed efficiency  in breeding programs is our capacity to accurately measure  feed intake at the individual level on a large number of fish.  In previous studies, individual feed efficiency has been evaluated on fish reared in isolation. Each fish was given a known amount of feed, and two hours after feeding,  uneaten pellets were manually collected and counted to determine the exact feed intake. However, this method is really tedious and difficult to use in aquaculture production outside laboratory conditions. Another  drawback of this method is that fish are isolated in individual aquaria with no interactions with congeners. The measurement of natural abundance of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) of organisms could reflect feed efficiency as the difference between isotopic values of an organism and its feed is related to protein retention. This method would have the advantages  of being  rapid, low cost and  a  non-destructive for fish .

 To test the correlation between  individual  fish efficiency and stable isotope values, 178 individuals of seabass  were raised in individual aquariums during six weeks. The quantity of food ingested by each fish was recorded every day. Every two weeks, sea bass were  individually  weighed. F eed conversion ratio (FCR)  of each individual was then calculated  as the ratio between the quantity of food ingested and body weight gain. In parallel to the weight measurements  every two weeks,  few scales and part of caudal fin were sampled from each fish. Following the six initial weeks in individual aquaria , fish were reared  for an additional 9 weeks in a collective tank. At the end of this growing period, scales , fin, muscle and blood were sampled on each fish. δ13C and δ15N values of scales, fin, muscle and blood  at each sampling periods were measured by EA-IRMS.

 Our results show a very strong  negative  correlation between individual FCR and body weight gain (R = -0.95,  < 0.001). δ15 N values  of muscle sampled after 15 weeks of experimentation showed a negative correlation with individual FCR (R = -0.2,  p < 0.05). At the all times of sampling, δ13C and δ15N values of scales, fin and blood were not correlated to individual feed efficiency.

In conclusion, carbon or nitrogen stable isotopes cannot be used as  a reliable proxy to evaluate feed efficiency  of the seabass D. labrax .  This study  does  not corroborate previous studies on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) showing that δ13C of muscle and δ15 N of liver were potential  good biomarkers  to  evaluate individual feed efficiency in fish (Dvergedal et al., 2023). Further studies are necessary to better understand the metabolic processes driving isotopic incorporation and such differences between fish species.

Dvergedal H., Ødegård J., Galloway T.F., Klemetsdal G. 2023. Isotope fractionation in juvenile and large rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Repeatability of stable isotope measures and their relationship to growth rate. Aquaculture , 569, (739380).