AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Tyler Sclodnick*, Michael Chambers, Barry Costa-Pierce, Tobias Dewhurst, Nils Goseberg, Kevin Heasman, Wolf Isbert, Gesche Krause, Till Markus, Daniel Wieczorek, and Bela Buck

20 Angus Morton Drive
Bedford, Nova Scotia, B4B 0L9


The ICES Working Group for Open Ocean Aquaculture has explored the terminology used around the open ocean sub-sector of aquaculture, specifically defining the terms “offshore” and “exposed”, providing guidance on when and how to use these terms effectively, and creating indices to qualify these terms and add specificity. We have also explored many of the impacts and trends surrounding the continuums of nearshore vs offshore and protected vs exposed farming sites.

However, much research remains in the arena open ocean aquaculture, highlighted by the ultimate question of “why don’t we see more progress in this space”? This talk will review the status and need for further research in 5 key areas that are most necessary to advance an open ocean aquaculture industry and discuss why specifically don’t we see more new commercial open ocean farms today.

  1. Advancement and adoption of operational support technologies
  2. Innovation and value engineering in design of culture systems
  3. Confidence in financial model
  4. Interactions between farm environment and environmental impacts
  5. Clarity and confidence in the permitting process