AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


F. Naya-Català*, M. Arnyasi, S. Lien, M.P. Kent, J. Pérez-Sánchez

*Nutrigenomics and Fish Growth Endocrinology Group, Institute of Aquaculture Torre de La Sal (IATS) , CSIC, Castellón , Spain. E-mail:


 Global warming is inducing frequent and severe heatwaves, especially in the Mediterranean area,  and changing  the neutral range of ambient temperature of farmed fish. Evidence of maladaptation is increasing with every increment of warming , al though current research with a selected  fast growing  fish strain of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata ) reports increased thermal tolerance  and  growth rates  at the  IATS  aquaculture infrastructure during the extreme  climate period from  2022-2023.  We wanted to deepen  our understanding of  the epigenetic  mechanisms of this  fish  population  which  enabled them  to overcome  the record- breaking temperatures which generated  a  water surface temperature of 30 ºC during two consecutive days .  More precisely  we were interested in  exploring tissue- and seasonal-specific DNA methylation changes  that can  today  be identified at a genomic-scale with third-generation sequencing. T he  specific aim of this study was t o  map seasonal changes of the epigenome from  two metabolically active tissues (liver, white skeletal muscle) , and explore whether this is a key driver of different tissue-specific metabolic capabilities of  a gilthead sea bream strain.

 Fish were fed a  commercial-based diet formulation  at the IATS flow-through system under natural day-length and temperature conditions . Liver and  skeletal muscle tissue portions were  taken at  two different  sampling points (summer (S), July-2022 ; winter (W), February-2023; 5-6 fish/tissue/season). Sequencing libraries were generated with Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT)  PCR-cDNA Barcoding Kit (SQK-PCB111.24) and sequenced on a PromethION 24 (R10.4.1 chemistry flow cells) .  FAST5 files  were  modification-aware basecalled using Guppy and CSIC reference genome. R esulting files were interrogated for methylation (5mC) using ModKit. Differentially  modified (DM)  5mC  were calculated with the MethylKit package  over those CpG sites with a minimum mapping coverage of 10 reads in  at least  5 individuals of each experimental group ,  and  considered significant at  a q < 0.05. A total of 99.5 million reads were basecalled with a median Phred score of 16,  and an average N50 of 16 kb.  Methylation calling  rendered  ~2.9M 5mC passing the prevalence filters. From them, a total of ~735k DM5mC were found  between  all the pairwise comparisons, denoting  a less- variable  epigenome with changing season (3-5k DM5mC) than tissue in both summer and winter (219-407k DM5mC) .  In any case, CpG sites followed the same distribution pattern regar dless of the comparison, being predominant in introns (~51%), followed by promoters (~17%), transposable elements (~15%), exons (~11%) and CpG islands (~6%). T he crossing of epigenetic marks  and host transcriptome expression  remains  to be analysed  to  translate  on a functional basis the  changing tis sue and seasonal epigenetic landscape . Altogether,  this work  will offer novel genome-scale  methylation marks  that  would contribute to  improve selective breeding  and environmental priming  for producing  tailored climate resilient gilthead sea bream  in a challenging scenario.

 This study was supported by MCIN with funding from European Union NextGenerationEU (PRTR-C17.I1) and by Generalitat Valenciana (THINKINAZUL/2021/024).