AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


 A. Panda*, S. Judycka,  K. Palinska-Zarska,  R. Debernardis , S. Krejszeff, P. Hliwa , D. Zarski

 Department of Gametes and Embryo Biology, Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research,  Olsztyn, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland (10-743) ;


 The cryopreservation of fish  sperm offers a versatile technique for enhancing reproduction, breeding, and conservation efforts.  Although  sperm cryopreservation technology for  Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis ) can be successfully used at a commercial-scale in aquaculture, there is  still  a  need for finding suitable markers of cryopreservation effectiveness and fertilizing capacity of frozen-thawed sperm (FTS) . Such markers may be used as selection criteria in cultured fish and for optimization of reproductive protocols.

 In this study , we have performed extensive analysis of sperm collected using highly standardized protocols from 20 males and subjected them to thorough evaluation for various quality parameters. A longside  classic sperm motility parameters (using  computer-assisted sperm assessment [CASA] system),  we  also checked for various other  parameters characterizing crucial cellular components, such as , ROS+ production, mitochondrial membrane potential, ATP levels,  integrity  and fluidity  of cell membranes  in Eurasian perch  sperm. Later, these analyses  were  also  performed on the same sperm subjected to standardized cryopreservation protocol. Next, we tested  fertilizing capacity of the post-thawed  sperm samples during controlled in vitro fertilization assay . Briefly, for this purpose we have used sperm-to-egg ratio of  10000:1 and  fertilizing ~1g of eggs  (~500 eggs) from  3 females for each male (n=20; in triplicates) . In total 180 egg samples were fertilized and later monitored for fertilization and embryonic developmental rates.

 We observed positive correlations between fertilizing ability  of FTS and average path velocity (VAP, µm s-1) and straight-line velocity (VSL µm s-1) .  This aligns with the observations made in previous studies where sperm atozoa’s kinematic parameters were key factors in the fertilization success. Interestingly , we observed negative correlations between  cellular  membrane integrity, both in fresh and FTS with  fertilization rates. This contradicts the well proven fact that sperm membrane intactness is one of the most important quality indicators. However,  since  cryopreservation has a detrimental effect on spermatozoa and resulted in decrease of sperm motility of  about 20%,  we can speculate that there is a possibility for leakage of intracellular components from these  non-alive spermatozoa which could influence on those that survive/fertilize . One of the possibilities can be leakage of ATP from spermatozoa , since we found  its level  to be positively correlated with fertilization in our study.  It should be emphasized that  extracellular ATP  has  already been reported to improve  fertilization rates in other taxa , but not studied so far in any fish species .  In conclusion, along with this study we bring first set of  validated  markers which can be used as predictors of FTS fertilizing capacity in Eurasian perch and may serve as inspiration for other aquaculture species.

This work was funded by National Science Center of Poland (SONATA BIS project, number UMO-2020/38/E/NZ9/00394).