AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Alessio Gomiero1,* , Pauline O’Donohoe2 , Kati Michalek3, Luis Poersch4 , Brett Marc Macey5,6, Elisa Ravagnan1

1) Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE) dep of Climate and Environment , Mekjarvik 12, 4070 Randaberg (Norway); 2) Marine Institute , Rinville,  Co. Galway H91 R673 (Ireland) ;  3) Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), PA37 1QA Oban (Scotland) ; 4)Federal University of Rio Grande-FURG , RS, 96203-900, Brazil; 5) Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Cape Town (South Africa); 6) Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town (South Africa) ;



MICROPLASTIC POL LUTION BUDGET  ASSESSMENT of DIFFERENT Integrated  multi-trophic aquaculture  (IMTA) systems

Introduction - The expansion of the industry and increased diversity of materials used to build and maintain  open and recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)  have paralleled the development  and use  of synthetic polymers over the last decades. Synthetic  materials offer greater strength and durability than natural fibres for construction of ropes, infrastructures, and pipes,  whilst often also being less costly and easier to handle. Broken and fragmented equipment  as well as debris released from intense use are  however  sources of plastic emission from aquaculture operations at a local and global level, whilst accurate estimations of their contribution remain unknown.  The  ASTRAL  project focuses on IMTA farming, aiming at defining, supporting, and promoting this type of sustainable aquaculture production across the Atlantic area.  ASTRAL is  looking at  the challenges related to the release of microplastics from aquaculture  operations in both open and recirculating systems as well as quantifying the marine derived sources of plastics impacts.

Materials and Methods -Four  sites were selected within the present  study: A) the  coastal open low-trophic aquaculture  facility ‘Port-a-Bhuiltin’ (Scotland); B)  the coastal open multi-trophic aquaculture facility ’Lehanagh Pool’ (Ireland);  C)  The onshore partially (50%) recirculating  multi-trophic aquaculture facility ‘Buffeljags Abalone’ (South Africa); and  D) the onshore recirculating multi-trophic aquaculture facility ‘Rio Grande do Sul’ (Brazil) . T he occurrence of plastic was investigated in the  seawater  at increasing distances from  the open systems aquaculture facilities . In the RAS systems the sampling was performed in the water inlet, outlet,  as well as in some  selected  areas inside the recirculating system .  For the seawater collection a  Compact Large Volume Microplastics sampling device was developed.  Extracted samples were  analysed first by µ-FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) microscopy and finally by GCMS-pyrolysis technique.

Results and Discussion - The  evaluation of the seawater samples and sediments using a vibrational microscopy-oriented technique showed the occurrence of 29 different polymer types. Among them the most recurring ones were polyethylene ( PE), polystyrene (PS), polypropylene (PP), ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA), polycarbonate (PC), polyurethane ( PU), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyamide (PA66) and acrylic paint (APa). The mass-based analysis confirmed the occurrence of  these polymers and  further  detected  styrene butadiene rubber as a proxy of tyre and road wear particles. The results point out a complex distribution of polymers, where the diffuse input sources in the investigated areas largely influence the observed plastic pollution distribution. The experience assessing the plastic pollution fingerprint in RAS and semi-RAS systems point out both the importance of the water quality inlet, the geographical dependent light intensity effects in plastic degradation  phenomena  as well as the  need for an accurate r eplacement  plan for  teared plastic equipment.  The ongoing work contributes towards an improved understanding of the complexity, introduction, and potential emission of synthetic polymers in open and recirculating IMTA systems that will contribute towards the improved sustainability of modern aquaculture systems.

Acknowledgements. E U H2020 grant agreement: 863034 - ASTRAL project (All Atlantic Ocean Sustainable, Profitable and Resilient Aquaculture.