AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Maxime Paris1*, Pierrick L’Heveder1 , Arthur Tré-Hardy1 , Samira Amraoui1 , Coraly Soto1, Charlotte Dupont1


1  BIOCEANOR SAS,  1360 route des dolines, les Cardoulines B3, 06560, Valbonne, France



 In the current context of climate  change, aquaculture is facing new challenges.  Extreme events are increasing, and  variations in temperature and dissolved oxygen, the main drivers in feeding decisions,  become more difficult to predict. This impacts the processes and routines of fish  farms, forcing farmers to react to environmental changes rather than to anticipate them . Based on AI and machine learning coupled with biology, Bioceanor has developed a new  bio-guided approach to adapt the feeding time window  of fish within the next 24 hours, based on environmental condition predictions


 Based on temperature and oxygen prediction,  we can identify the  ideal and less favorable periods for feeding for the next working day .  Figure  1A is illustrating a pre-deployment analysis where  57.9% of feed is given  outside the optimal periods, resulting in inefficient productivity and economic loss.  Figure 1B is illustrating the recommendations given to the farmer for the next days.  By adjusting DFI according to oxygen levels, it is possible to optimize feed conversion and reduce  the percentage of feed given outside of the optimal period. Proactive and adaptive feed management based on oxygen level forecasts not only ensures that feed is provided at the right time, but also improves farm performance and minimizes environmental impact by reducing waste.

Discussion and conclusion

Our value proposition is unique to anticipate future oxygen concentration to assist farmers not to feed fish when oxygen is below a given threshold, and rather use optimal oxygen windows.

  • Not feed ing during Worst Feeding Window avoids having feed not consumed by the fish and  be lost in the sea, reduces  FCR and  increases eutrophication.
  • Feeding during BFW ,  when the fish has the greatest appetite during the day,  ensures a  maximal DFI  and an increased SGR.