AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


 F. Enez* ,  A. Dehaullon ,  J. Doerflinger, B. Imarazene ,  G. Collewet ,  J. Bugeon , J.-C. Gabillard, P. Haffray, F. Phocas


SYSAAF (French Poultry and Aquaculture Breeders Technical Centre), 35042 Rennes, France



 The production of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss ) in France is increasingly focused on large-sized fish intended for smoking. The presence of red muscle (RM) , easily identifiable by its brown color , leads to flavor defects . Some specifications require processors to remove this  portion of fillet , resulting in a direct economic loss . One of the objectives of the study is to quantify the genetic component associated with red muscle, through the estimation of genetic parameters including correlations with growth and processing traits and comparison of performances between  crosses of  two  distinct strains .

 An experimental cohort was produced by crossing 4 0 neomales and 4 0  females from the  2 commercial  lines  of rainbow trout from Aqualande group, according to 4 genotypes (AA, AB, BA and BB).  At 18 months ,  1436 fishes were slaughtered and measured. A steak  before the dorsal fin  and the caudal part of each individual were frozen and a DNA sample was  collected for genotyping. The relative area of  subcutaneous  fat  was estimated by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) on the steak.  A thin  transversal  slice of the caudal part was photographed to quantify the area of  red muscle using artificial intelligence (AI) . After quality  control  for phenotypes , genotypes , and pedigree reconstruction through parentage assignment ,  data from  1415 individuals were finally used for analysis .  An animal  model with  genomic relationship matrix was used to estimate the genetic parameters related to the area and proportion of RM. P erformances  of the 4 genotypes were compared with Tukey test to investigate heterosis and dominance effects.

 The  mean  proportion of RM relative to the area of the steak was 8.52% in the study dataset. Heritability estimates were 0.24 for  RM area and 0.32 for  RM  proportion. The genetic correlation between the two traits wa s positive but moderate (0.52). The proportion of RM measured by AI wa s genetically uncorrelated  of other processing traits,  whether it was with  weight (0.09 ),  carcass yield (0.09), eviscerated headless carcass yield (0.08) and relative surface of subcutaneous fat (0.09).  Mean performances of  hybrid crosses were systematically  positioned  between performances of pure lines. No dominance or heterosis effect was observed.

In brief, a new phenotyping method to measure RM surface by IA was developed in this study.  The proportion of red muscle is heritable and  genetically uncorrelated to  growth and  main processing traits .  Reducing red muscle  proportion  in commercial stocks through its integration into breeding program is therefore feasible.

 European Maritime and Fishery Fund and the French Ministery of Agriculture  co-funded this work  within the RedOUT project (FEAMP PFEA470019FA1000007).