AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Thomas Lecocq*, Joël Aubin, Marielle Thomas

Presenting author:  Thomas Lecocq,  University of Lorraine,  INRAE, L2A, Nancy, France .


 Polyculture is a relevant practice for improving the aquaculture sustainability, generating interest in its implementation in a variety of production systems. H owever, polyculture is a complex approach that can lead not only to complementarity between species, but also to  interspecific competition and animal welfare issues. Potential benefits can be expected from polyculture provided there is compatibility and complementarity between the species combined. It is therefore essential to identify the best species combinations for a given aquaculture system.

In this context , we develop  a conceptual integrative workflow  for standardizing and planning the development of new fish polycultures. This  workflow  is designed to select all possible combinations of a set of species on the basis of three successive evaluation steps. Overall, these steps consider the compatibility and complementarity of co- farmed  species, as well as stakeholder requirements, sustainability and fish welfare. Step 1 selects the most promising combinations of compatible species (i.e. "prospective combinations") based on the opinions and expectations of stakeholders, using databases and surveys. Step 2 validates the  effectiveness  of potential combinations on the basis of bioassays, considering species complementarity and animal welfare. Step 3 implements the best species combination(s) in aquaculture production, during which prototyping is used to study the sustainability of the resulting commercial production system. T he  resulting workflow aims to be a valuable tool for innovation in aquaculture by exploiting the opportunities and strengths of polyculture.