AQUA 2024

August 26 - 30, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark


Maria Filipa CASTANHEIRA1*


1Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Daalseplein 101
3511 SX Utrecht, The Netherlands


*Presenting author:


Aquaculture represents a significant component of the international seafood trade, contributing substantial value. Over the years, the industry has experienced substantial growth and is projected to continue expanding in the future. The sustainability and longevity of aquaculture operations depend on the adoption of responsible and sustainable farming practices that prioritize the health and welfare of aquatic species throughout their lifecycle.

 In this context, the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) plays a crucial role, offering a globally recognized certification and labelling program for responsibly farmed seafood. ASC’s certification program empowers farmers by enabling them to differentiate their products, expand market access, and build consumer trust.

 ASC is putting fish  health and  welfare at the forefront with  a newly created principle dedicated to animal health and fish welfare. The principle will include new criteria on health and welfare related to the daily operations at the farm, handling and slaughter requirements. 

 The presentation will focus on discussing the health and welfare principle as a means to elevate aquaculture practices to a higher standard, emphasizing the production of seafood with a primary focus on animal health and welfare. Specifically, this principle is expected to lead to decreased levels of animal stress and improved welfare conditions, ultimately resulting in enhanced product quality, increased survival rates, and reduced expenses related to disease prevention.

Moreover, the inclusion of this principle adds value to products bearing the ASC label, making them more appealing to prominent seafood markets and conscientious consumers who prioritize certified and ethically produced goods.