Aquaculture Africa 2023

November 13 - 16, 2023

Lusaka, Zambia


Stephen R. Reichley*, Mark L. Lawrence, Gina Rico Mendez, Masey Smith, Kelly Stewart, and Laura Zseleczky


Global Center for Aquatic Health and Food Security

Mississippi State University

Mississippi State, MS 39762 USA


The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish works to reduce poverty and improve nutrition, food security, and livelihoods in partner countries by supporting research on sustainable aquatic food systems. From 2018–2023, the Fish Innovation Lab brought together over 40 partners to implement 24 research activities in 10 countries, primarily in Africa and Asia, focusing on three areas of inquiry: (1) improving productivity, (2) mitigating risk, and (3) improving human outcomes. These research activities contributed to the development of 54 innovations in the aquaculture and fisheries sectors that are in different stages of development and uptake. As the Fish Innovation Lab embarks on a second five-year phase of research, this presentation will explore how partnerships were developed and strengthened to maximize impacts and results advancing global food security and nutrition goals through the production, capture, and consumption of aquatic foods.

The Mississippi State University Global Center for Aquatic Health and Food Security was recently awarded a five-year extension to continue management of the Fish Innovation Lab to address global food security challenges through aquatic food systems. For information on funding opportunities and to learn more about the activities of the Fish Innovation Lab, visit our website at