Aquaculture Africa 2023

November 13 - 16, 2023

Lusaka, Zambia


Baraka Kalangahe1, Peter Mrope1, Farida Buzohera1, Sherif Sadek2 and Hervé Lucien-Brun*1,3


1:Tanlapia, Bagamoyo, Tanzania

2: ACO, Cairo, Egypt

3: Aquaculture & Qualité, France



Tanlapia Ltd (“Tanlapia”) is a large-scale aquaculture project in Bagamoyo.  Since breaking ground in 2020, Tanlapia has grown rapidly, starting to produce fish in 2021 and now harvesting over 30 metric tonnes (MT) of tilapia per month, mostly Oreochromis nilotica, per month, making us the largest producers of Tilapia in the country.

One of Tanlapia’s key advantages is its location based on a 600-hectare fish farm in Kingani, Bagamoyo, on the floodplains of the perennial Ruvu River around 30 km from the Indian ocean and less than two hours from downtown Dar-es-Salaam.

Tanlapia farm uses a hybrid system consisting of:

  • Open semi-intensive ponds for low-tech reliable production of fry  in hapa (12-18 fish/gm), followed by a first nursery stage to reach 3-5 gm/fish.
  • Semi-intensive ponds with aeration for a second nursery stage, growing, (3-5g to50g)
  • In-Pond Raceways System (IPRS) or semi-intensive ponds with aeration for grow-out from 50g to market size (usually 330g -350g), with a final production at harvest (50 to 65 kg.m3) during   200 days.

IPRS is a state-of-the-art aquaculture technology. Fish are held in ‘cells’ which are cement-sided, mesh-ended cages within larger earthen ponds. Water is circulated through the cells and earthen pond with the help of electrically powered aerators. This simulates a river, allowing the areas outside of the cells to act like a large biofilter. This keeps the fish healthy and allows them to be closely monitored for any signs of disease or stress. It also keeps water quality stable, reduce water consumption and feed loss, reducing environmental impact and optimizing operating cost which is key for a successful farm. 

Main advantages of the IPRS to Tanlapia are to keep water quality stable in earthen ponds in case if salinity will increase seasonally and during high tide in Ruvu River. Meanwhile to be a reducing environmental impact and optimizing operating cost. In addition to decrease water consumption as be an ecofriendly aquaculture system. 

Without releasing water or waste into nearby waterways, IPRS technology has the potential to significantly outperform traditional ponds in terms of yields. With high yields and minimal environmental impact, IPRS is a more manageable and controllable approach. The system lowers risk, increases yields significantly, and lowers production costs per unit.