Aquaculture Africa 2023

November 13 - 16, 2023

Lusaka, Zambia



Belemane Semoli1 *, Nelly Isyagi2 , Obinna Anozie2, Mohamed Seisay2, and Hellen Moepi-Guebama2

1ANAF Interim Chair & ANAF National Focal Point for South Africa

Chief Director of Aquaculture and Development

Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

South Africa


2 African Union – Interafrican Bureau of Animal Resources

Nairobi, Kenya


 Presenter: Belemane Semoli*

Email : ;

 The establishment of a network of aquaculture policy makers in Africa, was first perceived that the Fish for All Summit held in Abuja, Nigeria in 2005.  Among the priority actions recommended by the Summit ’s  Abuja Declaration on Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture in Africa (2005) ,  was  the need for  accelerating sustainable aquaculture development on the continent coherently and within the framework of the African Union’s regional  integration agenda.  The need for establishing a regional network of aquaculture policy practitioners, supported by other leading government planning sectors, to accelerate the development of aquaculture development strategies and mainstreaming these into national development agenda . The Aquaculture Network for Africa (ANAF) was thus conceived benchmarking on gains for the aquaculture sector in  the Asia-Pacific  upon the establishment of  Network of Aquaculture Centres (NACA).

Sub-Sahara’s Directors of Aquaculture subsequently re-affirmed this recommendation in the 13th Session of CIFA in 2005 .   Sub-Sahara’s Directors of Aquaculture subsequently re-affirmed this recommendation in the 13th Session of  the FAO  Committee for Inland Fisheries for Africa (CIFA) in 2005 , thereafter renamed  Committee for Inland Fisheries  and Africa for Africa (CIFAA) .   ANAF’s  was later established based on voluntary membership among CIFAA’s members  to coordinate and facilitate (i) scientific and technical information exchange in aquaculture, (ii) regional and sub-regional collaborative aquaculture research, (iii) training of fish farmers and extension workers and (iv) technology transfer between countries to accelerate sustainable aquaculture development on the continent.  To achieve continental ANAF’s membership, in promote coherence in the  implementation of  the  Policy Framework and Reform Strategy for Fisheries and Aquaculture in Africa (PFRS) and  cognizant of  AU Interafrican Bureau of Animal Resources  (AU-IBAR)  role mandated role in  coordinating the management and utilization of  all Africa’s animal resources, it was later recommended the ANAF Secretariat be transferred to AU-IBAR to foster  the  long-term commitment of AU Member States for sustainable aquaculture development.    ANAF’s membership  since 2018, consequently has continental coverage .