Aquaculture Africa 2023

November 13 - 16, 2023

Lusaka, Zambia


Pablo Ibieta and Rolando Ibarra

Pincoy Project

X Region, Chile


Chile is the second largest producer of famed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and largest producer of Pacific salmon and sea farmed rainbow trout in the world. In 2022, Atlantic salmon production in Chile reached 758 thousand metric tons. As most intensive animal food productions, salmon farming is not exempt from the use of antibiotics to treat diseases. Although a decreasing trend in the use of antibiotics has been observed over the years, 389.8 grams of antimicrobial per harvested tonne were used in the Chilean salmon production last year. In addition, one endemic bacterial disease caused by Piscirickettsia salmonis is responsible for more than 90% of the use of antimicrobial treatment.

The Pincoy Project is a collaborative initiative towards strategies on a wide range of production practices, from genetic factors and functional and high-performing diets to smolt selection and vaccination with the aim to reduce antibiotic use in the Chilean salmon industry.

To evaluate the effectiveness of practices and strategies by statistical approaches large and quality data are required. The project has been collecting data at cage and farm site level from 2017 to date providing insight of variables that are related to a reduction of the use of antibiotics and mortality during production cycles. Several sanitary, productive, and environmental variables were used. Fish genetic background, vaccine and production strategies, site and environmental conditions are significant factor explaining the use of antibiotic and related mortality. Additionally, the antibiotic use and mortality data from the industry were compared with the results of the Pincoy project.

Appropriate strategies and practices encouraged by Pincoy Project can effectively reduce the use of antibiotics in Atlantic salmon production.