Aquaculture Africa 2023

November 13 - 16, 2023

Lusaka, Zambia


Motseki Hlatshwayo* and Alexander S. Kefi


Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources

SADC Secretariat

Gaborone, Botswana



The fisheries and aquaculture sector in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region employs a total of about 3.5 million people, and accounts for an estimated 3.5% of the region’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). More than 95% of this production comes from a diversified capture fisheries sub-sector with about 3.7 million tonnes. The per capita fish consumption of 12 kg/annum in the region is well below global average of 20 kg/annum and below the WHO recommended value of 15kg/annum. The aquaculture sub-sector contributes about 207,831 tons (96,778 tons of food fish and 111,053 tons of aquatic plants), albeit still low, there are positive signs of growth of about 8.5% annually.

Many SADC Member States are endowed with abundant natural resources, including land and water, which are conducive to inland and marine aquaculture development. Nevertheless, it is generally recognised that the full potential of aquaculture in the region is still to be realised. Article 13 of the SADC Protocol on Fisheries (2001) stresses the need for Member States to develop enabling policy, legislation and/or regulatory frameworks, undertake research and extension activities, promote private sector participation, and undertake environmentally-responsible and sustainable aquaculture. This Article finds full expression in the SADC Regional Aquaculture Strategy and Action Plan (2016 – 2026) and the SADC Aquatic Animal Health Strategy (2016-2026). The extent to which Member States have implemented these provisions varies, with Zambia leading the way and providing important lessons for other Member States wishing to promote the growth of their aquaculture sectors in line with the Protocol.

To further catalyse its development, aquaculture was included in the SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap to 2063 as one of the priority regional value chains. To guide Member States, a framework titled the Aquaculture Value Chains in the SADC Region: Profiles, Prospects and a Roadmap for Development (2022) was developed, and currently being implemented at national and regional levels through various programmes and projects.

This presentation provides the status of aquaculture in the SADC region, and outlines how regional aquaculture frameworks are guiding SADC Member countries to increase the contribution by aquaculture to local, national and regional economic growth and trade.