Aquaculture Africa 2023

November 13 - 16, 2023

Lusaka, Zambia


Vinícius Souza Ribeiro* Hainnan Spuza Rocha and Manoel Xavier Pedroza Filho


Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Tocantins

Department of Natural Resources

Address: Campus Palmas - Quadra 310 Su, Lo 5, s/n - Plano Diretor Sul,

Palmas – TO, Brasil, 77021-090



Tilapia is the most farmed fish in Brazil, its production continues to expand being consumed almost entirely by the domestic market. Despite your important role in world production and the growth of aquaculture, Brazil has exported only 2% of its tilapia production in average over the last five years (2018-2022).

In this context, the research aimed to identify the firm’s critical factors for Brazilian tilapia exports. Between April and August 2022, we interviewed 8 stakeholders that are involved in more than half of the export of tilapia in Brazil.

The research mapped the organization of tilapia export value chain and the flow of the export process. In general, the interviewed companies have less than two years of experience in the tilapia export activity, and some of them having expertise in the export of other animal proteins.

Finally, we identified some factors that influence the amount of Brazilian exportations, but it was not possible to identify a single critical factor. On the other hand, the survey pointed out logistical and legal bottlenecks that in general that obstruct Brazilian exports.