Seaweed aquaculture is a growing industry in the United States. Although the number of farms have increased since 2019, nationally the industry is at varying levels of production and scale. The National Seaweed Hub was established in 2019 to serve as a clearinghouse for science-based, non-advocate resources about domestic seaweed aquaculture. Through a comprehensive needs assessment, seaweed stakeholders identified four common challenges preventing the industry’s expansion: Market Opportunities, Post-harvest and Processing Infrastructure, Regulations, and Production Systems. Facilitated by Sea Grant and National Sea Grant Law Center staff, diverse stakeholder-driven work groups were formed, based on these common challenges, with the goal of developing strategies with achievable outcomes. With the extension of the National Seaweed Hub, additional resources and engagement opportunities will be developed to further foster collaboration of seaweed stakeholders across the nation.
An update on the National Seaweed Hub activities will be provided. More information can be found on the Seaweed Hub’s website (