This paper describes the recently initiated project ‘Improving Farmed Aquatic Animal Welfare in Asia’ supported by Open Philanthropy that aims to initiate transformation change in the welfare of farmed fish in Thailand and Vietnam over a two year period. The project will work with small consortia of academics and private sector in both countries to develop projects that pilot interventions leading to practical improvements to farmed fish welfare and improve the narratives and communications around the issue. These interventions will be commissioned after the project ambitions are disseminated to stakeholders in the region and an open competition for projects. Successful proposed interventions will have the potential to (i) avoid unnecessary harm and pain to the fish, (ii) help farmers to improve their efficiency and business resilience, (iii) support a sustainable environment through healthier ecosystems, cleaner waterways and conservation of local species, and, (iv) overall contribute to a healthier population through the creation of a more nutritious food source. The project will principally target species and systems that enter local markets and hence have most impact on combatting poverty and malnutrition.